template<typename Value, typename SizeType = size_t>
struct Indexed Indexed mixin adds support for indexing into a B++ tree by an integer index Supports lookup, assign, insert, update, and erase by index in O(log N) time Also supports getting the index of an element from an iterator Given two iterators a and b from an indexed tree, a-b is O(log N) (it is O(N) for non-indexed trees)
- Template Parameters:
Value – value type of tree
SizeType – type to use for index
Public Types
template<typename Parent, auto internal_size>
using InternalNode = IndexedInternalNode<Parent, Value, SizeType, internal_size>
Public Static Functions
static inline constexpr size_t sizeof_hint()
template<typename Parent>
struct Persistent : public Parent Public Functions
template<typename ...Args>
inline auto insert_index(SizeType index, Args&&... args) const Makes a transient copy of tree, calls insert_index on it with index and args, makes a persistent copy of the transient tree, and returns it.
- Returns:
A copy of this tree that has been modified by calling insert_index with index and args
template<typename ...Args>
inline auto assign_index(SizeType index, Args&&... args) const Makes a transient copy of tree, calls assign_index on it with index and args, makes a persistent copy of the transient tree, and returns it.
- Returns:
A copy of this tree that has been modified by calling assign_index with index and args
inline auto erase_index(SizeType index) const
Makes a transient copy of tree, calls erase_index on it with index, makes a persistent copy of the transient tree, and returns it.
- Returns:
A copy of this tree that has been modified by calling erase_index with index
template<typename U>
inline auto update_index(SizeType index, U &&updater) const Makes a transient copy of tree, calls update_index on it with index and updater, makes a persistent copy of the transient tree, and returns it.
- Returns:
A copy of this tree that has been modified by calling update_index with index and updater
template<typename ...Args>
Public Functions
- Returns:
a const reference to the value at index
- Returns:
a forward iterator pointing to the element at index
- Returns:
a forward const_iterator pointing to the element at index
- Returns:
a forward const_iterator pointing to the element at index
- Template Parameters:
It – the type of iterator (supports const and non-const iterators as well as forward and reverse)
- Parameters:
it – an iterator of type It
- Returns:
the index of the element pointed to by the iterator
template<typename Parent>
struct Transient : public Parent Public Functions
template<typename ...Args>
inline void insert_index(SizeType index, Args&&... args) Constructs an element in place at index using args, moving all elements starting from index back by one
template<typename ...Args>
inline void assign_index(SizeType index, Args&&... args) Constructs and element in place at index using args, replacing the element that is currently there
inline void erase_index(SizeType index)
Erases the element at index, moving all elements after it forward by one
template<typename U>
inline void update_index(SizeType index, U &&updater) Apply updater function to element at index, and overwrites the element at index with the returned result
- Parameters:
updater – function that takes a Value const& and returns a Value (or something convertible to a Value)
template<typename ...Args>